About Miracle Bodywork

Miracle Bodywork

As a blend of shiatsu and somatic practices, Miracle Bodywork alleviates a wide variety of conditions of imbalance, pain and illness. 

Miracle Bodywork, LLC

Muscles, Joints, Tendons, Ligaments

  • physical stress for over-exertion or insufficient movement
  • muscle tension - neck, shoulders, low back
  • sciatica
  • arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • plantar fasciitis
  • recovery from surgery including broken bones and torn ligaments
Miracle Bodywork, LLC

Organ Systems

  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • immune deficiencies
  • autoimmune disorders
  • digestive disorders
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • colds and flu
  • headaches , migraines
  • organ transplant support
Miracle Bodywork, LLC

Emotions, Psyche

  • emotional stress of daily life
  • physical stress from over exertion or insufficient movement

  • anxiety

  • depression

Milagros is a truly gifted and extraordinary body worker. During my time of fractured ribs, her gentle care of MY FEET (!) brought huge relief from pain; during my usual stressful weeks, her work brings me back to center, brings a wonderful improved sense of energy, and especially - helps me to like my body and enjoy living in my body so much more...

                               - Beth B., Midwife

Milagros literally rescued me from my back pain and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. When conventional medicine failed, she stepped in with an open heart, used her curated talents to unearth the origins of injury, and applied her specialized technique to heal my chronic physical problem. And that’s what can make it so hard to put into words because her methods transcend traditional, western-based medicine...~ L. J. 

My experience with Milagros was wonderful. I have had two sessions with her and both were equally enlightening. I’ve been suffering from migraine headaches for 6 years now and have had no guidance on ways to manage them. In one session Milagros was able to pinpoint my main area of stress and pain. In addition to visits, she has kept in touch to see how I’m feeling and provided extra suggestions, which is wonderful. ..~ Julia G.

Milagros is an incredible massage therapist and healer. I have been seeing her for chronic shoulder/neck issues I was having (issues which I've struggled with for over a decade). Over the past three months she has healed this issue for me, helping me learn how to move my body in nurturing ways to avoid the patterns that led to my pain. Deep and amazing work, highly recommended. ~ Alexander W. 


Miracle Bodywork seamlessly integrates powerful somatic modalities with Shiatsu to create a profoundly effective form of therapy.

I work with many elements of the body - energy, meridians, acupressure points, nervous system, bones, muscles, fascia - by attuning to each of them according to what is needed by the body.  The body's process itself guides me.

Skeletal alignment and catalyzing a flow of energy are key to relieving pain and discomfort and creating a deep sense of well-being.

All of this requires emptying myself so that I can listen to even the most subtle expressions of the body. The more I and my client listen, the more it reveals.

Any bodywork is intuitive, experimental, relying on natural instinct and behavior first. If people pay too much attention to theory, they soon start following the theory instead of the body; they give shiatsu from the brain only; both givers and receivers suffer. ~ Wataru Ohashi

My Philosophy

Ideally, bodywork is an art with the practitioner creating and evolving their practice with their unique presence, quality of touch, way of sensing / intuiting, personal practices, philosophy and understanding of the body.

In my practice I am inspired by an unmet need I witness daily: the need to be heard, seen and accepted for who we are. This need is rarely met in most cultures. It follows naturally that most of us have also not learned true self-compassion, which requires the capacity to compassionately be with or listen to our feelings and sensations.


Listening, through all my senses, is the ground of my work. My ultimate desire is for you to be on a path of uncovering who you are so that you can live the life you most desire.


The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. ~

Thich Nhat Hanh

Miracle Bodywork is aptly named since what I feel coming into Milagros's caring workspace is very different, miraculous even, from how I feel leaving at the end of a nourishing session. But I know it's not really a miracle because Milagros is very intuitive, knowledgeable and skilled in assessing just what is needed in the body. Her calm presence and careful listening to my body has found tension points to release that leave me feeling free from an inner clutching that I'd become used to as "normal" only to walk out feeling like I have a new freedom in my body.   ~ Claire M. 

Milagros is extraordinary for her ability to hold attention, pure and without flagging. In this way, she creates a circumstance in which her client’s body opens to … what? Itself, surely, its native intelligence, most definitely, but also to something otherwise unknown, unnamed. We can call it “Blessings,” it won’t take offense. ~ Kidder S. 

I've had lower back problems for over two decades. Then came the sore shoulders. Then elbow! I was falling apart, until I found Milagros:). For the first time in decades I am now virtually pain-free. I don't know how she works magic, but she does. ~Sandy W. 

Spending time with Milagros is a truly healing experience. Her restorative methods and intuitive body knowledge have provided relief for my lower back pain. She has helped me realize how my emotional holding patterns are transferred to my physical existence. I appreciate that Milagros allows me to be an active participant in the process. With her guidance I am becoming more aware of my whole body wellness.  Milagros has a wealth of healing knowledge on how to live a harmonious life, which she openly shares. By following her advice I am learning to take time to listen to my body. ~ Kelly M. 

At The Heart, My Heart, My Beliefs

The philosophical essence of my practice is: an understanding of the body as conscious or possessing its own intelligence, its own mind, animated by life force/ prana / chi/ spirit and as being of Nature are the philosophical core of my work.

The key (technical) elements of Miracle Bodywork are:

  • Awareness of sensations/attunement to energies
  • intuition
  • mindful touch
  • laying on of hands
  • Lean on pressure
  • energy work
  • gentle, easeful movement
  • breath
  • visualization

Just like you can thirst for water, you can thirst for touch. It is a comfort to be met confidently, deeply, firmly, gently, responsively. Mindful touch and movement grounds people and allows them to discover tensions that they may have held for so long that they are no longer even aware of them. When you are touched, you wake up to the part of your body that is being touched.

~ Bessel Van der Kolk


This approach with these elements creates a deep sense of safety, support and connectedness.

With these conditions, the body's innate drive towards wholeness and integration and balance is awakened and the body naturally re-organizes to a state of greater alignment - physically, energetically and emotionally.